The Support You Deserve; The Expertise You Trust.
About The Fund-
General Counsel Blog
Don't miss the latest news from Melissa Jay Murphy. Your source for important Florida and national legislative updates, hot-button topics like Remote Online Notarization & cyberfraud scams, and tips & best practices for running a successful firm in today's diverse Florida market. -
Digital Closings
Learn about digital closings and how to get your practice started. Real estate closings are changing and moving in the direction of less paper and more technology. Learn about the latest on Remote Online Notarization, digital closing platforms and how it all works. -
Fund Shop
A convenient, one-stop shopping resource where you can order digital, printed, downloadable materials and resources to build your brand and share with clients.
We Are The Fund
Since 1948, The Fund has stayed true to the original Mission – supporting our real estate attorney Members in their protection of the public. Backed by the strength of Old Republic Title, only The Fund delivers next-level services, best-in-class education, and practice-enhancing resources to give our Members a competitive edge in Florida. Join more than 4,000 Members statewide who rely on us to help them close real estate transactions smoothly, successfully and confidently.